Alphonce Odhiambo

Founder & Director

Alphonce is a Network & Infrastructure Engineer with over 5 years experience in Communications and Computer Networks, Certified in Adavanced Cybersecurity, Data Protection and Internet Governance. He is the President of the Internet Society Kenya Chapater.

Albert Migowa

Programs Manager

Albert is a trained Counseling Psychologist. As a Psychologist, he is able to understand the emotions and feelings of people thereby able to communicate effectively.He is experince in handling programs due his deep understanding of people of diverse backgrounds.

Samuel Murekefu

Chief Technology Officer

Samuel Murekefu is a multi-cloud architect who also doubles up as a modern workplace administrator. He is certified and experienced in the following cloud platforms: Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and Oracle Cloud.


Florence Simba

Gender Coordinator

Florence is a data scientist and AI enthusiast. She has a deep passion in empowering young girls to express their inner potentials using technology. She mentors young ladies and help them in self-realization and personal development.